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What is Taniagen™?

The TaniagenTM is nicotinamide riboside L-tartrate, which is Greenanew’s form of nicotinamide riboside (NR). NR is a member of the vitamin B3 family, it can convert to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) in cell and increase the cellular concentration of NAD+, which is a vital resource found in all living cells.

Why is Taniagen™?

As known, NR can safely and effectively increase NAD+ in humans. TaniagenTM is L-tartrate form of NR, comparison with other NR forms, especially NR chloride, TaniagenTM exhibit almost the same bioavailability, but the stability of TaniagenTM is much better than others. In other words, with the same effectiveness, TaniagenTM is more convenient for storage and transportation.


Not like other NR form, such as NR chloride which was a bitter tasty, TaniagenTM has good tasty which is delicious with slight sweetness and sour, so TaniagenTM is suitable for making gummies, granules and other forms. It greatly increases the range of applications of TaniagenTM as a food supplement.


Stability studies under controlled conditions show TaniagenTM has high stability under ambient conditions (25° C and 60% relative humidity) and accelerated conditions (40°C and 75% relative humidity) , but nicotinamide riboside chloride (NR-Cl) decompose fast under the same conditions.

HPLC purity of NR salts under the accelerated conditions
(40°C and 75% relative humidity)

Blood concentrations (ng/mL) of NAD+ after an intragastric administration of 100 mg/kg to mices


The Blood concentrations of NAD+ after a single intragastric administration of NR-Cl, NR-Malate and Taniagen in mices are shown the peak concentration were no significant difference between the different dosage forms base on Cmax and AUC0-t. That means Taniagen is the same bioavailability as other form of NR.


As food ingredients or supplements, the safety of NR has been proved, and there are GRAS profile in FDA, which includes the scientific safety review and analysis. Taniagen is the L-tartrate form of NR, we also achieve self-GRAS status of Taniagen.